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07/21/2024 23:46:33S-Trains[fahrwud]πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ‘‹πŸΌ
07/21/2024 23:46:22S-Trains[RoninID]Take care, Dave
07/21/2024 23:46:01S-Trains[RoninID]I'll try not to, C U next week
07/21/2024 23:45:12S-Trains[fahrwud]OK Ron, have a good night. Dont work too hard tomorrow
07/21/2024 23:44:47S-Trains[fahrwud]Kewl
07/21/2024 23:43:38S-Trains[RoninID]ugh
07/21/2024 23:43:26S-Trains[RoninID]cleaning day tomorrow
07/21/2024 23:43:16S-Trains[RoninID]well, it is time for me to hit the rack
07/21/2024 23:42:58S-Trains[RoninID]yours sounded more like a real machine
07/21/2024 23:42:47S-Trains[RoninID]it actually worked better before he did all that
07/21/2024 23:42:32S-Trains[RoninID]I just watched a vid where the guy cleaned up a coal loader
07/21/2024 23:41:01S-Trains[fahrwud]Usually the forklift platform
07/21/2024 23:40:51S-Trains[fahrwud]So I ask them if they want to push a button or two
07/21/2024 23:40:29S-Trains[fahrwud]I enjoy the postwar stuff for public display - people that have mever seen the stuff before are amazed
07/21/2024 23:33:58S-Trains[fahrwud]It’s kinda neat walking the line between toymaker and modeler
07/21/2024 23:32:46S-Trains[RoninID]I'll bet they had a lot of fun doing it
07/21/2024 23:30:34S-Trains[fahrwud]You have to admire the backroom bunch at Lionel dreaming this stuff up
07/21/2024 23:29:04S-Trains[fahrwud]The tray is bumped by a couple of cams against spring tension, so keeps the belt fed for longer

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