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02/10/2025 00:28:02S-Trains[RoninID]good night
02/10/2025 00:27:55S-Trains[RoninID]more train talk in a week then
02/10/2025 00:27:33S-Trains[RoninID]all the pirates are busy in DC right now
02/10/2025 00:26:28S-Trains[traindavid]DAve ROFL!
02/10/2025 00:25:49S-Trains[fahrwud]Sleeptight shipmates and don't forget, always be yourself, unless you can be a pirate. Then always be a pirate....Arghhh...
02/10/2025 00:24:52S-Trains[traindavid]Have a great week!
02/10/2025 00:23:37S-Trains[fahrwud]Well gents, it’s late in my area, so I will bid youse Adieu for the night
02/10/2025 00:22:23S-Trains[traindavid]That's really amazing!
02/10/2025 00:22:21S-Trains[fahrwud]Them’s some chunky rocks, Ron
02/10/2025 00:21:03S-Trains[RoninID]shite, it puts up the whole page, scroll down and click to expand
02/10/2025 00:20:23S-Trains[fahrwud]Try that video link
02/10/2025 00:20:22S-Trains[RoninID]Picture posted by RoninID:
02/10/2025 00:19:59S-Trains[traindavid]even copying & passting the entire link it's still "not found"
02/10/2025 00:19:48S-Trains[fahrwud]
02/10/2025 00:16:59S-Trains[RoninID]not nearly as stout as the meccano
02/10/2025 00:16:47S-Trains[RoninID]the actual ones used were just timber tripods
02/10/2025 00:15:22S-Trains[fahrwud]Meh, last part of the link wont post
02/10/2025 00:15:06S-Trains[fahrwud]
02/10/2025 00:14:38S-Trains[RoninID]and the waves roll huge logs right up the slope and onto the tracks
02/10/2025 00:14:09S-Trains[RoninID]there is one stretch they built at repose, about 37 degrees
02/10/2025 00:14:00S-Trains[fahrwud]
02/10/2025 00:13:49S-Trains[RoninID]and the rough rocks break up the wave action
02/10/2025 00:13:47S-Trains[fahrwud]I always wanted to build the Meccano one but my set wasn’t big enough
02/10/2025 00:13:24S-Trains[RoninID]a lot cheaper to build
02/10/2025 00:13:14S-Trains[RoninID]now they just dump riprap which is what they should have used in the first place
02/10/2025 00:12:31S-Trains[RoninID]that sucked the stones right out of the wall
02/10/2025 00:12:23S-Trains[traindavid]Shouldn't I meant
02/10/2025 00:12:20S-Trains[RoninID]but good old Ma Nature could still pound them with storms
02/10/2025 00:11:57S-Trains[traindavid]Well that should be too shocking, after all the waves are really powerful
02/10/2025 00:11:41S-Trains[RoninID]they used a 3 legged mini crane to pick up and place them in the wall
02/10/2025 00:11:24S-Trains[fahrwud]Oh yeah, the old seawalls had block setting cranes built just for the job
02/10/2025 00:11:11S-Trains[RoninID]Aye, mateys!
02/10/2025 00:11:09S-Trains[traindavid]Three Tons! yikes
02/10/2025 00:10:44S-Trains[RoninID]Chooch guy was convinced they were O scale
02/10/2025 00:10:37S-Trains[traindavid]Uh oh, were losin' em! Oh well, it's 9 pm here, so it must be late there!
02/10/2025 00:10:28S-Trains[RoninID]and the
02/10/2025 00:10:15S-Trains[RoninID]so a real sea wall rock can be up to 3 x 6 x 2 feet or about 3 tons
02/10/2025 00:07:33S-Trains[traindavid]BTW. you can get a copy of the bible written in "Pirate Talk" it's pretty wild, a friend of our has a copy.
02/10/2025 00:07:14S-Trains[fahrwud]Paaarghates?
02/10/2025 00:06:26S-Trains[traindavid]Ah yes, I thought that might be it, but I didn't trust myself.
02/10/2025 00:06:04S-Trains[traindavid]Ron, that'sonly on Sept 18 (talk like a pirate day).
02/10/2025 00:05:52S-Trains[RoninID]construction of the real sea wall
02/10/2025 00:05:44S-Trains[RoninID]but I had the dimensions from an article specifically describing the
02/10/2025 00:05:17S-Trains[RoninID]oops a k not a c
02/10/2025 00:05:02S-Trains[RoninID]I could not convince the guy that the rock sizes I used were prototype
02/10/2025 00:04:44S-Trains[fahrwud]Yes, Zamak
02/10/2025 00:04:40S-Trains[RoninID]when I did the GN sea wall masters for Chooch Enterprizes
02/10/2025 00:04:24S-Trains[fahrwud]I don’t aim for details too much, but try for an overall effect.
02/10/2025 00:04:11S-Trains[RoninID]makes you want to talk like a pirate
02/10/2025 00:04:03S-Trains[RoninID]aargh

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